Company news and data from the 4 million plus companies we have in the UK
Looking for free company information?
Our great site brings you just that.
Our Online UK Company Credit Reports database offers Company Credit Reports on UK Ltd & Plc Companies and they provide all the information required for Credit Checking UK Companies. Just search using the company number or name in the box above.
Company Reports
Up to 20yrs financials
Directors & Secretaries
Shareholders & Group Structures

Our Database is growing every day. The sort of information you can find from us includes company financials, their Directors and secretaries plus shareholder and Group structures.

Before making any purchase, investment or finance deals with someone new use our fast growing database to get a comprehensive overview of the directors, shareholders and financial standing of any UK Ltd or PLC company.

Director Reports
Director Reports
How to use our Company Reports
There are so many potential uses for our website.
Here are just some of the ways in which our site is used:

Checkout your suppliers and customers.

Checkout the history and background of Directors.

Avoid bad bedts by checking your customers.

Avoid surprises by checking your suppliers.

Great data for marketing, search by SIC code.


2nd testimonials

I use Reporting Accounts on a daily basis, I enjoy their clear and simple way data is displayed, it is fast and easy to find what I need and monitor the companies I deal with for any indications of issues. The site keeps me informed. Keep up the great work.

Jonathan Riley

First testimonials

I use Reporting Accounts on a daily basis, I enjoy their clear and simple way data is displayed, it is fast and easy to find what I need and monitor the companies I deal with for any indications of issues. The site keeps me informed. Keep up the great work.

Jonathan Riley
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Company Reports
Director Reports
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